all postcodes in L24 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L24 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L24 9BA 2 0 53.35774 -2.872103
L24 9BD 6 5 53.356791 -2.877703
L24 9BF 5 4 53.355512 -2.878128
L24 9BG 1 1 53.35592 -2.876664
L24 9BJ 1 1 53.350415 -2.834608
L24 9GB 32 28 53.357914 -2.866713
L24 9GQ 23 15 53.356129 -2.872371
L24 9GR 1 1 53.348809 -2.848141
L24 9GS 16 15 53.350399 -2.847001
L24 9HA 5 5 53.351911 -2.864413
L24 9HB 11 9 53.352964 -2.861414
L24 9HD 4 4 53.355531 -2.864682
L24 9HE 9 4 53.352148 -2.863952
L24 9HH 1 1 53.352298 -2.863024
L24 9HJ 32 31 53.354604 -2.869741
L24 9HQ 1 1 53.350427 -2.864458
L24 9HW 18 13 53.354144 -2.861393
L24 9HX 18 13 53.354624 -2.860576
L24 9HZ 29 24 53.350334 -2.858447
L24 9JT 21 19 53.352089 -2.848041